Where future stars get discovered.

CLASS OF 2028 & 2029

Women's Elite Lacrosse Showcase

October 13th, 2025

9am - 5pm

Founded by legendary players
IZZY SCANE in action
Northwestern #27
Northwestern #2

Why attend the RIZE?

College Recruitment Opportunity

Demonstrate your abilities in front of college coaches from Division I, II, and III programs. Get direct exposure to recruiters and take the next step in your lacrosse career.

Elite Competition

Compete alongside the nation's top talent in a one field per class model.

Founded by Legendary Players

Created by Northwestern stars Izzy Scane and Erin Coykendall, bringing their D1 experience and knowledge directly to aspiring athletes.

Elite Training Experience

Take part in skills sessions and position specific instruction led by top pro players and coaches.

Learn More
Lacrosse player in action
Sponsored by:
KANE FootwearActive Recovery Footwear
Erin & Izzy LakeShow Podcast

Erin & Izzy LakeShow Podcast

Izzy Scane & Paul Carcaterra

Izzy Scane & Paul Carcaterra

The Erin Coykendall Story

The Erin Coykendall Story